
General Idea

Ibex lazily wraps sklearn. When a module starting with ibex.sklearn is import-ed, Ibex will load the corresponding module from sklearn, wrap the estimator classes using ibex.frame(), and load the result. For example say we start with

>>> import sklearn
>>> import ibex

sklearn.linear_model is part of sklearn, therefore ibex.sklearn will have a counterpart.

>>> 'linear_model' in sklearn.__all__
>>> 'linear_model' in ibex.sklearn.__all__
>>> from ibex.sklearn import linear_model as pd_linear_model

foo is not part of sklearn, therefore ibex.sklearn will not have a counterpart.

>>> 'foo' in sklearn.__all__
>>> 'foo' in ibex.sklearn.__all__
>>> # Next line won't work!
>>> from ibex.sklearn import foo 

As noted above, Ibex wraps the estimator classes it finds in the module:

>>> from sklearn import linear_model
>>> linear_model.LinearRegression()
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)
>>> pd_linear_model.LinearRegression()
Adapter[LinearRegression](copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)


Ibex does not modify the code of sklearn in any way. It is absolutely possibly to import and use both sklearn and ibex.sklearn simultaneously.

Differences From sklearn

Since pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series are not identical to numpy.array s (which is the reason to use the former), some changes are made in ibex.sklearn relative to the corresponding elements in sklearn. ibex.sklearn in API lists the differences.